WW- Waiting, Watching, Wishing..

The universe is full of magical things,
patiently waiting
for our wits to grow sharper. 

- Eden Phillpotts 

Do not go where the path may lead,
go instead where there is no path
and leave a trail. 

- Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882) 

19 love for me ..:

Anonymous said...

OMG! The other quote is my favorite!! I just love it!! <3

Anonymous said...

I am kind of motivated of the second one :)

Ess.See. said...

Emerson! \m/

Angels Never Lie said...

wonderful quotes...i like da 2nd one

Biya said...

you surely know how to pluck at people's hearstrings...

Ubaid said...

what if some people choose to fade?

Maryam said...

I love the second one!

erer said...

what a nice way of presenting them :)

Rooj Siddiqui said...

Thank you :)

Mademoiselle Deva said...

this is so true and so beautiful! I love reading inspirational posts and quotes, they make me wanna go "whoo hoo" the world is mine! I love the feeling of reaching the stars!!!

Unknown said...

Stopping by from SITS and was so inspired I decided to follow. What whimsicle, inspiring images.

Rooj Siddiqui said...

@ Eclipsed: Hey, thank for dropping by. I'm glad you liked it :)

Sidrah said...


I love the pictures!

Lady Whispers said...

OMG so so true<3

floydian said...

Stirring words.

citymouse said...

The Emerson quote is one of my very favorites. Nice job putting this together.

Stopping by from SITS.

Anonymous said...

i love the second quote it's really inspiring

Anonymous~ said...

lovee the pictures and the quotes! =]

Ph_ said...

Loved the quote :) Indeed setting our own tracks is a more honored action

Behind the curtain..

My photo
I believe that it's the ordinary that is so distinguished. I am only an amateur who sees the mundane with a twist. Goes around putting titles on self-perceived moments as life goes on by...


“I can read women. But god damn you woman, you’re all over the place. If I could read you I’d be god” -David Flecha



I believe that it's the ordinary that is so distinguished. I am only an amateur who sees the mundane with a twist. Goes around putting titles on self-perceived moments as life goes on by...