Happy Birthday, O ♥♥

My love, I wish you a happy birthday. But it’s me who has been blessed for I got to spend the year with you. I wish to be there with you on this day, to make it special. Yes, I know you don’t like your birth day to be mentioned even but I cannot let it be just an ordinary day. You, my love, have given me a wonderful life and I don’t want to miss a chance to give you tons of happiness and surprises so yeah, I’d have made it special if I were there. *sniffs* But I have done a little to make you happy, I hope the surprise gets to you soon.

Happy Birthday, Baby ♥ ..

No one loves me like you do, you please me in so many ways - with a word, a caress, a kiss. No one understands me like you do - you see me deep inside, you choose to overlook my flaws, the ones I try to hide. No one satisfies me like you do, when our bodies intertwine; you give so much with your tender touch, you’re amazing, and you’re mine! No one loves me like you do; you fill my every need. And that is why, my darling. I’ll follow wherever you lead. I love you, O.

Another year has passed for you, sweetheart;
It's time to cut the cake and celebrate.
And once again, my love, I start to think
Of things about you I appreciate.
It means so much to have you in my life;
Your loving care fills up my days with pleasure.
Your warm and giving nature helps create
Close, special times together that I treasure.
I live within a safe and steady world,
Because you love me unconditionally.
Your easygoing ways mean that I'm blessed
With peace and joy and blissful harmony.
To me your birthday is a precious day;
I hope it brings you joy in every way.

Happy birthday, O. I love you :) and I miss being with you, like hell. Looking forward to many more to come, we'll enjoy each of them. 

19 love for me ..:

Anonymous said...


Say it aloud!

O! I love you sooooooo!! :D

haha, this is sucha cute post!
Happy birthday O bhai! :D :D May you have many many many more! And may you two be blessed forever! together forever! :)

Rooj Siddiqui said...

Shaggy, I missed your comments :) O bhai sounds so cuuutee, haha!
I love him! yeaaay!

Ubaid said...

Happy birthday :D

ReeBz said...

Aww :) really i love you O sounds so cute :D
lucky guy who have some one to love so deeply like yeW :)

Anonymous said...

happy Bday to whomsover it may concern :P :D

Zoya said...

aww..seems like its lover's birthday season..was reading another blog with the same kind of post..:P

Happy birthday O bhai:P

Anonymous said...

O is so lucky to have you =)

Happy Birthday to him =)

Rooj Siddiqui said...

Thank you guys =D .. Iloveyou all <3

Anonymous said...

Very best birthday wishes to your O.

majworld said...

Hey Happy bday to the lucky guy :)
stay happy :)

Unknown said...

OMG i have missed a lot...
Wow..its his bday...and the pure love in ur heart for him would mean so much for him and makes him such a special person on earth.
God bless u.

I'm a full-time mummy said...

Hello Nostalgic!

Thanks for your visit & compliments for Ben. Hope you enjoy my blog! :)

Btw, happy birthday to your beloved! :)

erer said...

happy birthday to ur frnd :)


Blasphemous Aesthete said...

GOD SPEED to you, and to him...
may your reunion be as soon as now.

Blasphemous Aesthete

Fickle Cattle said...

Aww, that is so sweet. :-)


Rià said...

how sweet!! Oh no wonder u noticed my blog template. :) Nice post. Wish him a happy b'day from my side too.

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday to O :)

Lady Whispers said...

wow that's so so damn sweet :) happy birthday to him :) Wish him from my side .....Lucky him and lucky u :)
God bless u both always!

Ph_ said...

* You are amazing and you're mine *
AAwwweee ! this was so so cute =D belated happy birthday wishes to him :)I hope he reads all what you write :)

Behind the curtain..

My photo
I believe that it's the ordinary that is so distinguished. I am only an amateur who sees the mundane with a twist. Goes around putting titles on self-perceived moments as life goes on by...


“I can read women. But god damn you woman, you’re all over the place. If I could read you I’d be god” -David Flecha



I believe that it's the ordinary that is so distinguished. I am only an amateur who sees the mundane with a twist. Goes around putting titles on self-perceived moments as life goes on by...