Venting out or whatever.. bleghhh!

Why is it that it is the most difficult to be truthful to the ones we care about and the easiest to the people who don’t matter to us? I think it should be the other way around. I know it won’t make the most sense or will it follow the general norms of logic, but life would definitely be so much more easier if that were the case. I try to be truthful but at all times or most of it for that matter and it comes out in the wrong way which when understood might create relationships or destroy them depending on the nature of the topic at hand. This thought alone is a killer and thus I think most of us are hesitant in being truthful. I think if both parties were to understand the nature of the topic and then realize and think from both points of views, one might just be able to get out of all the chaos created in the mind of the teller and would work for the sanity of the relationship. I don’t know. Speaking aloud I guess. Or speaking out. You pick!!

Currently, I am being really confused about many things that are important. I have been revising my decisions again and again .. don't want to regret in the end.

11 love for me ..:

Nas said...

I like what you have said in this short yet highly truthful post!

&& you're right, we're always told be truthful, honesty is the best policy etc etc. But some times, we have to understand the situation and after close analysis it may be that being truthful isn't appropriate. you don't have to lie, you just have to say what's necessary.

Blimey, my comment is nearly as long as your post =P.



Anonymous said...

Hey! I love this post I can see straight through the truthfulness in it.

I say everything we do when it comes to the ones we like and or love should be done out of love and in a way that they can take it.. As Nas says above we do what is necessary to make sure they get the point..

At the sametime let them know that we are letting them know because we care..!!


floydian said...

Telling the truth can be stressful or difficult under certain circumstances. But as they say, words and hearts should be handled with care for words when spoken and hearts when broken are the hardest things to repair.

Rià said...

Well yes its better to think it out n then react rather than reacting in a certain way n then regretting it. Sometimes it bcomes crucial to be tactful.

Luciana Silva said...

Sometimes, silence is the best option.... because time takes care of everything... All the best !!

Luciana Silva said...

Sometimes, silence is the best option.... because time takes care of everything... All the best !!

Zoya said...

i hate this part of relationships..when you have to struggle in wierd ways to keep everything from falling apart...if only life were that simple...

Blasphemous Aesthete said...

Do what feels right, sometimes, its necessary to lie.
I believe, honesty pays off in most cases, but for a few, its necessary to lie, to avoid making someone hurt.


Unknown said...

i m just amazed to see two-faced ppl these days..disgstd,:(

Anonymous said...

To me, lying is not an option- and when truth is not a possible one, silence is.

Just my two cents.

Killer Drama said...

totally agree... its so easy to be honest to strangers at times and not at all with the ones we love so much. to keep them from getting hurt

Behind the curtain..

My photo
I believe that it's the ordinary that is so distinguished. I am only an amateur who sees the mundane with a twist. Goes around putting titles on self-perceived moments as life goes on by...


“I can read women. But god damn you woman, you’re all over the place. If I could read you I’d be god” -David Flecha



I believe that it's the ordinary that is so distinguished. I am only an amateur who sees the mundane with a twist. Goes around putting titles on self-perceived moments as life goes on by...