
How does it feel to break someone for a change ? Does it make you feel like you avenged your own broken self from the hands of someone , breaking off the hands of someone else.
You were there once. Not expecting a single thing till it hits you like a 16 wheeler going 70 kilometers per hour, crushing your ribs, your sternum and every other bone that can pierce your heart a way no operation can heal.
Look at yourself on the other side of the barrel for a change. A bleating lamb staring into the barrel, your thumb on the pulse, finger on the trigger, and you chose this night to fire away.
Go on, blame your borderline indecisiveness. You've been doing that all your life.

0 love for me ..:

Behind the curtain..

My photo
I believe that it's the ordinary that is so distinguished. I am only an amateur who sees the mundane with a twist. Goes around putting titles on self-perceived moments as life goes on by...


“I can read women. But god damn you woman, you’re all over the place. If I could read you I’d be god” -David Flecha



I believe that it's the ordinary that is so distinguished. I am only an amateur who sees the mundane with a twist. Goes around putting titles on self-perceived moments as life goes on by...